Stall Warning
Stick Shaker
Stall Warning System As a stall warning, first a stick shaker that vibrates the control stick

I was in trouble with the space to install the vibration motor. Saitek Yoke is easy because the inside of the handle is empty, but there is no space in the wooden self-made Yoke. I tried to attach it to the Yoke body, but almost no vibration is transmitted.
The vibration motor for mobile phones is small in size and weak in vibration. If I make my own oscillator and attach it to a DC motor,I can make it the right size, but in the end I decided to incorporate a slightly larger vibration motor that was built into the joystick (Cyborg 3D Rumble Force Stick).
When I measured the current when this vibrating motor was running, it was 170mA, but it should need more current when starting the motor. Corresponds using a suitable transistor that was in stock. 2SD2061 can flow up to Ic = 3A.
A freewheel diode (reflux diode) is installed to dissipate the current that occurs when the motor stops. Ceramic capacitors installed in parallel are to prevent brush noise.
Since vibration is not transmitted unless it is installed inside the Yoke handle, it is embedded in a position that does not upset the balance of the left and right weight of Yoke. Since the thickness is not enough as it is, a cover is added.
Warning Lights
A warning lamp that flashes every 0.5 seconds. Use timer 555 to interrupt the current.
Warning Voice
The synthetic voice of "STALL" is based on MSFS2020.
OverSpeed Warning
Maximum operating speed alarm device
oversppedl Warning system OverSpeed WARN lamp blinks and rattling sound
I will make a blinking warning lamp near the airspeed indicator.
An oscillator circuit that generates high-pitched sounds and a timer that interrupts the sounds are required.
I don't know what frequency should be used to make a rattling sound,and so I try it.

When I investigated how the ticking sound of the turn signal of the car was made, it seems that there are some electronic sounds, but most of them seem to be the operation sound of the Relay. Then I moved the relay I had and compared the operating sounds.
It turned out that this made a sound that was fully audible. I will choose and use the most suitable sound relay. Since the operating voltage is a 12V relay, a DC-DC converter is used to make 5V to 12V.
The operating current of this relay is 41mA, so a small 2SC1815 (Ic=150mA) can be used as the driving transistor. Diodes are installed in parallel to absorb the surge voltage.
The warning lamp blinks at the same timing as the operation sound of the relay, so I can use the contact of the relay.

To use the Timer 555 in common for blinking some warning lights, 'AND' the signal at 0.5 second intervals with the signal from the Arduino. I decided to control it with two transistors without using the TTL-IC for 'AND' circuit. I can also make 'AND' circuit here using two diodes.
Input shifter 74HC165 will be used for switch input. Pull up inputs with the collective resistance.