AITrack & OpenTrack
Inspired by FS seniors who introduced VR goggles, I tried using AI track and Open Track to see if I could get closer.
This allows you to change your line of sight with the movement of my head instead of a hat switch or mouse.

I use a webcam connected via USB and two free software.
AI Track is
When activated, an image that recognizes the face and traces the outline with pink dots will appear. The great power of software.
In OpenTrack, I tried using the black and white Aruco pattern, but it didn't work well due to lighting problems. This AI Track recognizes head movements without adding strange patterns.
Check Use remote OpenTrack client in the Configration field and set IP = Port = 4242.
OpenTrack is
An octopus will come out and tell you what the person is doing.
Set the Input field to UDP over network, Output field to freetrack2.0 Enhanced. Also confirm that Input Port = 4242.
Mapping sets how to output human movements. The movement to shake head and look left and right is Yaw.
The MSFS2020 works without any settings. The Track AI field appears in the Control Option, but nothing can be set.
Compared to moving the line of sight with a hat switch, it is convenient because you can fly while looking at the scenery.